Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 8 Re-Cap!

And.....58 days until I am Memphis bound!

This week my inches lost were minimal.  I am not too happy about this.  Only losing 1.75 inches makes me nervous that the weight loss is slowing.  I am just hoping for consistency and not a full on plateau!
I am even closer to the 40lb goal! I only have 5.5 more to lose!  The 40lb mark is also the goal I set before ordering my fabulous Halloween costume from the Etsy Shop Glamtastik! I am taking a little more avant garde approach to my Marie Antoinette theme. 

This week was a lot of old stand-by recipes.  However, I did a chicken marinara skillet recipe and it was really tasty.  Recipe to come soon! 

So, got to keep going! It seems like I have been on this diet much longer than 8 weeks.  But, the reward is pretty nice.  Smaller clothes, better health, more energy and hopefully less medications for my polycystic ovarian syndrome!

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