43 Days are complete! I feel better already! I have more energy and don't dread getting on the scale near as much. My journey is far from over though!
Down another 5lbs this week! That is a total of 27.5lbs lost. I have lost over 38 inches from neck to ankles as well.
We are having ceviche tonight. I look forward to it! HCG recipe to come soon. Don't worry this can be made with cooked scallops if you are fearful of raw fish. I happen to love raw fish, so no fear from me!!!
As I have mentioned I have mini goals set along the way. My next is set for October 28th (about 73 days away I think). I hope to have lost another 23lbs by then to get my total of 50lbs lost. I would love it to see an even larger amount lost by then though . I have purchased my ticket, found my costume (waiting for a bit to order to get an even smaller size!), and have lots of plans with family and friends!!!!
I say it is the end of round 1 because a typical round on the Simeon's protocol is 43 days. I am not stopping here however. I am going to follow the OWL plan and continue on my plan without any breaks. Rogue, I know. But it is working for me. I don't feel any immunity, so I am pressing forward!
On to round two and another 43 days! Have a great week!